Using Keto Diet Supplements
Using Keto Diet Supplements | Keto Diet Potassium Supplement | Ketogenic Diet Vitamin Supplements | Keto Diet Recommended Supplements
Ketogenic diet is known to be a very powerful method that promotes rapid fat loss. The diet has become more and more popular all across the world, not just among people who wish to lose weight, but also among those who want to stay healthy. The main concept behind this diet is to maximize the intake of fat, whilst minimizing the amount of carbohydrate intake. This will get your body to a state called ketosis. When you make the decision to get into ketosis, you need plenty of fat.
As you must be aware, there are a plenty of mount-watering ingredients where you can get your fat content from; avocados, heavy cream, bacon, etc. – your options are endless. However, even with such delicious menu, the adaptation period to ketosis or keto diet can be quite frustrating and challenging for many. This is when and why many individuals start thinking about using keto diet supplements. If you’re looking to fast forward your induction phase with ketogenic diet, following are some supplements you can consider taking:
Omega 3
Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid that helps protect against heart disease and a whole lot of other health conditions. Fish oil supplements contain Omega 3. Various researchers have also revealed that fish oil supplements may have the ability to reduce triglyceride levels in the blood. However, elevated levels of these fat molecules can lead to cardiovascular diseases. You can combat this with omega 3 supplements and reap the benefits of keto diet.
The next under keto diet supplements is spirulina. Known as a super food, spirulina is basically a blue-green algae consumed both by humans and animals. Around 50 percent of this bacterium comprises of protein, which typically means that it is full of amino acids that you need. While there are many benefits you could enjoy from using this supplement, like improved cardiovascular health, reduced blood pressure, etc., what really matters is that spirulina has the ability to boost the amount of minerals and vitamins you consume during your ketogenic diet.
Magnesium is another crucial element for your body, stored in your bones, tissues, and organs. It’s responsible for maintaining your muscle and nerve functions, synthesizing proteins, regulating blood glucose, and maintaining proper levels of testosterone. However, magnesium deficiency is a common problem in humans, especially in people who follow a low carbohydrate diet. When the magnesium level in your body is low, you could face problems like muscle cramps, neurological damage, fatigue, and more. Therefore, when you are on keto diet, make sure that you include magnesium rich foods, which are also keto-friendly, like low-carb nuts, high-fat yoghurt, avocados, etc. Also take magnesium supplements from a reliable brand.
Sodium and Potassium
Sodium and potassium are the next two elements you need to worry about when on a ketogenic diet. If the sodium levels in your body are either too low/too high, it could damage your tissues and cells. During keto diet, your insulin levels go down and you will have lower insulin resistance. When low levels of these two salts combine with this state, you could face issues like constipation, headache, and fatigue. The way to prevent this is to include keto-friendly sodium-rich foods in your diet, like lean red meats and eggs. Additionally, taking sodium and potassium keto diet supplements will also help maintain their levels in your body.
Using Keto Diet Supplements | Keto Diet Potassium Supplement | Ketogenic Diet Vitamin Supplements | Keto Diet Recommended Supplements