What Is a Keto Diet?

Short for ketogenic, the keto diet is a high-fat, low-carb, and moderate protein diet plan that rewrites the way your metabolism operates. Originally the ketogenic diet was developed in the 20’s and 30’s to combat epilepsy in children and then abandoned in favor of new drugs. Recently doctors working with Navy SEALs used the diet to treat their seizures induced by oxygen complications from deep dives. However, you don’t need to be a NAVY SEAL or suffer from seizures to benefit from this diet!

Keto Approved Recepies

These recipes are crafted to ensure your keto journey isn’t the same grilled chicken and broccoli day in, day out. A diet doesn’t have to be bland and with this collection of delicious recipes, sticking to the diet and staying in ketosis will be easier (and tastier) than ever!

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High In Fat

Put simply: ketosis is burning fats for energy. Where previously we ate carbohydrates to operate, you’ll now be eating quality fats to keep you energized.


Moderate In Protein

This isn’t an all meat bonanza. Eating the correct amounts of protein will keep you in ketosis to burn fat. Protein can be neither too high, or too low.


Low In Carbs

Carbs are the junk fuel we no longer need. Keeping carbs limited will prevent our bodies from switching off their fat burning potential.

What Can I Eat?

All diets should be varied and diverse, and keto allows for that. Leafy greens, chicken, pork, beef, fish, eggs, cheeses, nuts and, yes, bacon are all welcome foods.

Fat is critical. It encourages satiety and it will be the new fuel source your body will be burning.

The leafy greens will provide your body with the needed fiber, as well as vitamins A and K. Limiting your net carbs to under 20 grams per day will see you entering the ketosis zone, so long as your protein and fat goals are being met.

A good budget will see 80% of your daily calories coming from healthy fat sources, while 15% is proteins, and 5% MAX coming from carbohydrates. Compare that to the SAD (Standard American Diet) which sees 50% coming from carbs, 35% from fat and 15% from proteins. Both are as important as limiting your carb intake; fat is the new fuel and protein is used to keep your body burning fat and not muscle.

Eating too much protein and not enough fat can also see you falling out of ketosis. You can drink coffee and tea but water is so necessary to your health and as your body keto-adapts you will need even more water to keep your body feeling right.

Low-carb means you have to cut down on sugar! Sugar-free may sound scary! But don’t freak-out just yet. On Keto you can have moderate amounts of sugar-free Belgian chocolate or keto-friendly ice cream. Phew!

So, let’s go!