How to Limit Carbs on Keto Diet?
How To Limit Carbs On Keto Diet | How Keto Diet Works | Keto Meal Plan | Keto Diet Low Carb
Carbohydrates are one of the most heavily consumed macronutrients in the world. They are a staple because they are filling, good sources of energy, and are cheaper than most foods at the store. However, that doesn’t mean consuming carbohydrates is always good for our health. Carbohydrates are also known as the leading cause of diseases like diabetes and obesity. That is the reason why many people are engaging in low-carb diets like the ketogenic diet. The key question, then, is how to limit carbs on keto diet and eat high amounts of fat instead.
How Keto Diet Works
Ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that aims to convert the body’s metabolism to burning fat rather than burning carbs. Keto diet works by depleting the amount of carbohydrates in the body so that your metabolism will change to a state of ketosis. This means that your liver has started to convert stored fats into ketones. Your body then uses these ketones for energy instead of carbohydrates. Once in ketosis state, the body will then rely on fats to be the main source of energy.
2 Reasons People Lose Weight on a Ketogenic Diet
The intense fat burning activity of the ketosis state.
Low carbohydrate intake.
It is very important to limit carbs on keto diet. In a standard keto diet, experts advise to limit the daily carbohydrates intake to 30 grams or less. This amount of carbs will help the body sustain the ketosis state, thereby helping you to lose more weight. The research recommends that those who do not exercise, or only exercise lightly, maintain this low level of carb intake. However, for physically active individuals, it is a different case.
Engaging in a moderate to heavy level of training and exercise mean that you will need more energy to be productive. The problem is that eating fats may not provide enough energy to support heavy exercise. Two other types of ketogenic diets have been developed to solve this problem. These are the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD) and Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD). Both types allow high amount of carbs on keto diet to supply the energy needed for high-intensity physical activity.
In a CKD, you are allowed to eat a lot of carbohydrates for two full days to fill the body with glycogen. You then do high-intensity workouts for five days. You can eat any amount of carbs on this keto diet during those two days of carb load, but keto experts suggest you also maintain a balanced nutrient intake. The advisable nutrient intake during your carb load is 60-70% carbs, 15-20% protein and 15-20% fats. On the other hand, during the 5 days of high-intensity training, you should go back to standard keto diet of 70% fat, 20-30% protein, and 10-20% carbohydrates.
If you don’t want two full days of carb intake, do TKD instead. TKD allows consumption of carbohydrates before and after workouts. 25-50 grams of carbs taken 30 minutes prior to a workout should give you enough energy to sustain your workouts. You can also take the same amount of carbs after training, but only if necessary. Aside from the carbs before and after workout, you can still eat the standard amount of carbs on keto diet. On your non-training days, it is important to stick to standard keto diet nutrient intake.
Regardless of the type of keto diet you’re on, the key is to limit your carb intake. And if you are loading carbs for a high intensity work out, you will need to make sure to completely burn all the glycogen that you have ingested so as to maintain your ketosis state.
How To Limit Carbs On Keto Diet | How Keto Diet Works | Keto Meal Plan | Keto Diet Low Carb