How Does Ketogenic Science Work?
How Does Ketogenic Science Work | Ketogenic Diet Science | Science Behind Ketogenic Diet | Ketogenic Diet Scientific Study
Healthy lifestyle is what people all over the world are trying to achieve and maintain nowadays. We turn away from bad habits, like drinking or smoking. We enroll at gyms, play sports, or do any sort of exercise. More importantly, we make sure to have a healthy diet and be more mindful about the food that we eat. One type of diet that is becoming popular among health conscious people is the Ketogenic Diet. This is a low-carb diet which encourages more natural fat intake. Obviously, eating more fat to lose weight seems to go against common sense. It is reasonable to ask, then, how does ketogenic science work?
Ketogenic Science: The Nitty Gritty
We know that carbohydrates are essential for the body to function. Our body burns carbs to produce energy for physical activities. Carbohydrates are reduced to glucose, which is converted to acetyl-CoA. Acetly-CoA is processed in the citric acid cycle, which creates Adenosine Triphosphate (our body’s source of energy). The excess carbohydrates on the other hand are stored in our muscles and liver. If not burned, the stored carbohydrates will turn into fat, which is what we don’t like to have.
Ketogenic science, on the other hand, depends on depriving the body of carbohydrates. It can happen when you ingest fewer calories, during fasting, an intense work-out, or even when you have type 1 diabetes mellitus. When there are not enough carbs for the body to burn, the liver produces “ketones” from the fatty acids.
Ketogenesis: The Key to Ketogenic Science
Fatty acids are stored in the liver cells’ mitochondria and are very high energy fuels. A process called “Ketogenesis” converts these fatty acids into ketones bodies, or “ketones.” Ketone bodies are water-soluble molecules that will be converted into acetyl-CoAthen, which then undergo the oxidation process to produce ATP and energy that you need. In other words, the idea behind ketogenic science is to starve your body of carbohydrates, which then triggers your body to burn the fatty acids stored in the muscles and liver. This will enable you to lose unwanted body fats and ultimately, lose weight.
Just like all other diets, the key to ketogenic diet is consuming fewer calories. Another helpful ketogenic science outcome is lowering your calorie intake by inducing the body’s production of Leptin. Leptin is a hormone that inhibits hunger, thus, making you feel satisfied with fewer calories. Keto diet also helps you control dopamine production. This is the brain hormone that makes you reward yourself with good things to make you happy, like eating. This way, you can refrain from consuming more calories, and stay on your diet. The ketogenic diet also helps your body produce more high-density lipoprotein (also known as good cholesterol) and less low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol).
Now that you know more about ketogenic science, you should recognize that ketogenic dieting is a very effective way of losing weight. If you want to try it, start by cutting your carb intake and consuming more foods with natural fats. Then, gradually lessen your calorie intake. It is best to consult a dietician so you can effectively plan your diet. You can also check-out some apps, reading materials and websites to know more about keto diet.
How Does Ketogenic Science Work | Ketogenic Diet Science | Science Behind Ketogenic Diet | Ketogenic Diet Scientific Study